Washington Standing Lookouts - Cascades

There are currently 57 standing lookout locations in the Cascades. See links to the right for other lookouts in the Olympics and Eastern WA.

One more could be added to this list in the future. The lookout re-built on Pinnacle Peak (Enumclaw) in 2021 just needs a paid staff person to monitor a future fire from it. Once that happens, we will add it to the list.


Lookouts Home
Goodman Hill
Tolmie Peak
High Rock
Shriner Peak
Mt. Fremont
Kelly Butte
Sun Top
Gobblers Knob
Evergreen Mountain
Park Butte
Sourdough Mountain
Desolation Peak
Lookout Mountain
Hidden Lake Lookout
Three Fingers Mountain
Mount Pilchuck
Granite Mountain
North Mountain
Thorp Mountain
Red Top Mountain
Mount Adams
Green Mountain
First Butte
Burley Mountain Lookout
Alpine Burley Desolation Evergreen First Butte Goodman Hill Granite heybrook Hidden Lake high rock Kelly Butte Lookout Mountain Mount Adams Fremont mount pilchuck North Mountain Park Butte
Alpine Lookout
Red Top Shriner Sourdough Sun Top Three Fingers Tolmie Winchester
Winchester Mountain
Tyee Mountain
tyee mountain
(Feel free to contact me if you have information to share about one of these lookouts) willhiteweb@yahoo.com
eric willhite
That's me, fighting fire near the former Blue Slide Lookout
All remaining standing structures used as lookouts in the Cascades
The Olympics & Willapa Hills Sites
Also see:
The Northeast Washington Sites
The Southeast Washington Sites
The Cascades Former Lookouts
Mount Constitution
Mebee Pass
Monument 83
Meadow Butte
Lorena Butte
Mount Constitution Steliko Thorpe Mountain
Puyallup Ridge
Puyallup Ridge
Watch Mountain
watch Buck Mountain Darrington R.S. Funk Mountain Knowlton Knob Leecher Leecher Okanogan
Knowlton Knob
Funk Mountain
Buck Mountain
Darrington R.S. (Training LO)
Leecher Mountain Crows Nest
Leecher Mountain
Okanogan P.O.
Miners Ridge Red Mountain
Miners Ridge (Suiattle)
Red Mountain
jumpoff Green Mountain North Twentymile
North Twentymile
Slate Peak
Sugarloaf Peak
Goat Peak
Lookout Mountain (Twisp)
goat peak lookout mtn slate peak Sugarloaf
Copper Mountain
Signal Peak
Status Peak
Signal Peak Status Peak Meadow Butte Lorena Butte Mebee Pass Monument 83 house rock Lee's Lookout Stevens Pass
House Rock
Lee's Lookout/Tumble Creek Lookout
Stevens Pass