Blanca Lake Trail
This is one of the most popular lakes in the Cascades thanks to social media sharing. The glacier fed lake can make the water look an emerald green. But, at other times the lake just looks dirty, especially if it is not a clear blue sky out. Due to its social popularity, expect to see lots of entertaining people from first time backpackers carrying their stuff in their hands to bulky guys with no shirts on, to women in tight yoga pants ready to get their instagram shots. Although most are clearly new hikers, they have all earned the reward of a tough hike, well done.
Hwy 2 Hikes
Hiking Distance: about 4 miles to Blanca Lake
Elevation gain: 3,000 feet to pass (600 loss to lake)
Access: Any vehicle
Toil Peak Page
Take Highway 2 east about 22 miles from Monroe. Turn left at the Index sign and follow the road 15 miles to FR 63 on the left. If the pavement ends, you went too far. Follow FR 63 for 2 miles to a split. Go up hill left, the tail head is a the top of the hill. The parking lot is full most weekends so go early or midweek. There is a privy and picnic table so the Forest Service can enforce a parking pass.
The trail has 27 switchbacks to reach the ridgeline but they are a nice grade. At the ridge is Virgin Lake which has no outlet so the water is kind of stagnant. There are many campsites in the area of Virgin Lake. No camping is allowed anymore at Blanca Lake. The trail then drops down to the lake where there is a small beach with lots of driftwood. Reports say there is a minor trail forming around the west side of the lake for further exploration.
Other Options:
From the Virgin Lake area, you can find unmarked trails that climb the ridge in both directions. The easier is to go south to Toil Peak, see link here:
Blanca Lake Blanca Lake Trailhead Kyes Peak Blanca Lake Glacier Peak blanca lake map William O. Douglas Wilderness Blanca Lake Kyes Peak Blanca Lake Virgin Lake Virgin Lake Wild Sky Wilderness
So where are the images of Blanca Lake.......
I have been to Virgin Lake twice. Both times to climb the peaks on the ridges above the lake. Someday I will go to the lake but I am a peakbagger, not a lake bagger.
Toil Peak Page
Kyes Peak Page
Trail starts in the Wild Sky Wilderness
Blanca Lake Trailhead
First view of Kyes Peak
View to Glacier Peak
On the ridge with view of Kyes Peak
Side trail to camps on ridge
Entering the William O. Douglas Wilderness
Meadows on the ridge
Virgin Lake
Virgin Lake