Virginia, Appalachian Trail
Appalachian Trail
The James River crossing is the longest foot bridge on the Appalachian Trail. The crossing is nearly 1000 feet long and very nice without any cars. I felt lucky the bad weather was during a day I would be spending so much time down in low elevation.
James River Crossing
Burn area James River james river bridge james river bridge map james river bridge james river bridge James River Face Wilderness Burn area james river bridge Memorial sign
Dedicated to the memory of William T. Foot (1946-2000), a tireless trail worker and enthusiast whose vision, persistance, and efforts made this bridge a realty. Bill was an Appalachian Trail thru-hiker, past president of the Natural Bridge Appalachian Club, and past member fo ATCs Board of Managers. He and his wife, Lauria (The Happy Feet), were the first to complete the coast-to-coast American Discovery Trail in 1997. Bill pursued his passions, honored his dreams, and cherished those around him. Dedicated October 14, 2000.
James River Face Wilderness
Burn area on way down to the James River
Trail along the James River
Burn area on way down to the James River
Memorial sign