Bromley Mountain
Status: Former Lookout
Elevation: 3,281 feet
Prominence: 840 feet
State: Vermont
County: Bennington
AT Access: Trail over the summit
Mile Marker: 1658.2
In 1910, Hon. M.J. Hapgood gave a gift to the State a tract of 106 acres of land covering the summit of Bromley Mountain. The only condition was that no tree shall ever be cut upon it. The State Forest Service was planning to run a telephone line to the top of the mountain and to establish a fire lookout station.

In 1911, an agent of the state forestry department was inspecting Bromley Mountain planning the erecting of a watchtower and telephone.

In 1912, funds were not yet available.

In 1919, a news article said that a movement was afoot to get the state fire protection station upon Bromley Mountain.

In 1936 the first ski run was cut at Bromley Resort.

In the 1960s, Fred Pabst Jr., founder of Bromley Resort, built the observation tower to give summer tourists a reason to ride a new double chairlift to the summit.

In the 1970s, the hiking boom brought tourists using the Long Trail to reach the summit.

In 2012, the timber tower was removed.

In 2024, the Green Mountain Club is rebuilding a tower for public access.

If this history is accurate, it seems this was just an observation tower built for the ski resort, and not used for fire observation.
AT Lookouts
Bromley Mountain
Showing the Appalachian Trail route as it crosses over Bromley Mountain