Mammoth Hot Springs
Mammoth Hot Springs features ever-changing travertine terraces. These terraces are like living sculptures, shaped by the volume of water, the slope of the ground, and objects in the waters path. Travertine builds up rapidly here and causes the features to change quickly and constantly. Some vents will clog completely, new vents may form, and old vents may reopen. Scientists estimate that, at any given time, only about 10 percent of the water in the Mammoth Hot Springs system is on the surface.
Also at Mammoth Hot Springs is historic Fort Yellowstone. A self-guiding tour explores the US Army�s role in protecting the park in its first decades. The park in the first several decades was under serious threat from those who would exploit, rather than protect its resources. In 1886, the U.S. Army stepped in to help. The buildings of Fort Yellowstone are a testament to the long history of our first national park and the role it played in preserving it for the future.
Liberty Cap
Upper Terraces driving route
Lower Terraces
Driving through town in Mammoth Hot Springs
Post Office at Mammoth
Looking down at Mammoth Hot Springs from the terraces
Mount and Jupiter Terraces