Elevation 6,575 feet
Hiking Distance: Drive-up
County: Klamath

Stukel Mountain Lookout Site
& Peak 5,450

Oregon Lookouts
In 1933, a USGS party 1933 reported nothing at the summit.

In 1942, a 10-foot pyramid tent with a roof platform was built. This was the only known lookout structure on the summit until the late 1950's.

In 1953, a USGS party made no mention of a lookout.

In 1959, a USGS party said a road had been constructed to the summit and that the summit was no longer a pack station (maybe their term for a lookout camp?)

In 1973, a USGS party said they were able to observe the Pelican Butte Lookout and Yainax Butte Lookout from their station mark.
Lookout History
There is legal access up the road but one section does pass through private property. It is well signed to stay on road as you pass through but the public does have access to cross the property.
Stukel Mountain has excellent views, has a prominence of 2,058 feet, a fairly good road to the summit, and once had a fire lookout. Unfortunately for us, we drove into a cloud during our visit. We did hike up Peak 5,450 nearby since we got no exercise on Stukel.
stukel mountain stukel mountain stukel mountain lookout stukel mountain map stukel mountain stukel mountain stukel mountain stukel mountain stukel mountain
On the summit of Stukel Mountain
Communication towers on Stukel Mountain
Lots of unknown junk on the summit
No views for us
Stukel Mountain while hiking up Peak 5450
Peak 5450 view NE
Peak 5450 view NW
The lookout labeled 1956
Parcel map showing some the public and private land ownership.
stukel mountain map
The 2 peaks we visited