Lookout Elevation 4,890 feet
Hiking Distance: Half mile
Elevation Gain: 200 feet
County: Kootenai County
The highpoint of Horse Ridge has a historic name called Burnt Cabin Knob, not shown on any maps although it is just above Burnt Cabin Summit, a saddle with a 4-way junction. Burnt Cabin Knob was reported as a 1930s lookout camp at this location. And that is about all we know for now.
Access and Route:
I do not know the road system access for this area but there appeared to be public access once the snow was gone. An ATV trail gets pretty close to the summit, then it is a short off-trail hike up to the summit. There are very few views but the prominence is 832 feet, more than nearby Huckleberry Mountain.
Idaho Lookouts

Burnt Cabin Knob (Horse Ridge)

Burnt Cabin Knob Burnt Cabin Knob Burnt Cabin Knob map Burnt Cabin Knob Burnt Cabin Summit Burnt Cabin Summit Burnt Cabin Knob Burnt Cabin Knob Lake Hayden Forest management
Road intersection at 4-way on Burnt Cabin Summit
Road intersection at 4-way on Burnt Cabin Summit
Forest management in the area of Burnt Cabin Summit
Blue line is a designated dirt bike trail of some kind
Lake Hayden
Small view
Top of Burnt Cabin Knob
Hiking up Burnt Cabin Knob
Summit of Burnt Cabin Knob
Summit of Burnt Cabin Knob