Pelke Divide Lookout Site

In 1934, a log cabin was built along with two crow's nest platforms a quarter mile apart. The lookout was abandoned in the 1940's.
NE WA Lookouts
Lookouts HOME
Elevation:5,050 feet
Hiking Distance: 0.3 miles
Elevation Gain: 80 feet
Prominence: 50 feet
Access: High clearance vehicles best
pelke divide pelke divide pelke divide
1936 Forest Service map
1936 USGS (1956 update)
1942 UGSS
Thanks to a road, this site is easily reached and the brush is minimal from the saddle parking area. According to old maps, this was the location of the lookout although Pelke Divide is rather long and has many potential sites. For now, all I can trust is the historic maps but I am open to other possibilities. The highest contour definitely could have had 2 crows nests, one at each end. Today a nice new forest exists on the ridge but no legacy trees remain from the 1930s forest, suggesting that the entire ridge burned, including evidence of crows nests and cabin. More later if the old maps turn out to be inaccurate.
Route and Site Information:
pelke divide map