Little Blue Grouse Mountain Lookout Site

The Lookout Inventory says that this lookout had a pole platform tower and a cabin, and that nearby Little Round Mountain was a patrol point for this lookout. In the 1930s, the lookout was abandoned.

Ron Kemnow has found 4 news clippings from the 1920s. Two articles mention a lookout on Little Blue Grouse Mountain and two mention a lookout on Blue Grouse Mountain. The Kresek Inventory only has the one lookout on Little Blue Grouse Mountain, and no lookout on Blue Grouse Mountain. Based on the articles, I think all 4 are referring to Little Blue Grouse Mountain. If not, Blue Grouse Mountain would need to be added to the inventory. And although these two mountains are almost adjacent to each other, one is in Stevens County, the other in Pend Oreille.

On July 1, 1922, the Spokesman Review wrote that “Fire Warden H. L. Baker has established a new lookout station on Little Blue Grouse mountain west of Sacheen Lake from which the south part of Pend Oreille county and parts of Spokane and Stevens county can be surveyed."

On September 16, 1922, The Spokane Chronicle reported that the lookout person on Little Blue Grouse Mountain was George Jones.

On June 10, 1926, the Spokane Daily Chronicle reported, "In the Newport district the lookout is on Blue Grouse mountain in the Sacheen lake district with Richard Smith as lookout."

On June 19, 1926, the Colville Examiner reported, “Three lookouts are stationed in Stevens and Pend Oreille counties, one on Granite Peak, one on Kalispel peak, and one on Blue Grouse mountain.”
NE WA Lookouts
Lookouts HOME
Lookout Elevation: 4,230 feet
Hiking Distance: Have not done yet
Elevation Gain: Have not done yet
County: Pend Oreille
Little Blue Grouse Little Blue Grouse
1936 Forest Service)
1936 USGS (1956 update)