black ridge black ridge
In 1934, a camp with firefinders was built. There was 2 stations about 1/4 mile apart. On September 20, 1934 panoramic images were taken at both stations.

In 1935 an L-4 cab was built. This cab said to be removed in 1952.
Former Lookouts
Lookouts HOME
Lookout Elevation: TBD
Hiking Distance: TBD
Elevation Gain: TBD

Black Ridge Lookout Site Stations #1 and #2

Station 1, Looking Southeast 1934
Station 1, Looking Southwest 1934
black ridge
Station 1, Looking North, 1934
black ridge black ridge black ridge
Station 2, Looking Southwest 1934
Station 2, Looking Southeast 1934
Station 2, Looking North, 1934
black ridge map