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There are many types of leather items you can stamp. I picked wrist bands since that looked easiest of the choices at a craft store. Doing something this small will not take too long so I also planned a game afterward to fill the time.

Leather Stamping

Leather item to work with (wristbands, etc.)
Stampers and stamp tool
Burning Tool
Tape to hold down the burning tool stand.
Pliers for switching the burning tips when hot.
Hard surface to stamp on.
Spray bottle to wet the leather first.
Items needed:
Be sure to have them wet the leather a bit before starting to get a more crisp edge when stamping.
Have an impartial judge pick a best looking to win some kind of prize.
Leather Stamping Leather Stamping Leather Stamping Leather Stamping Leather Stamping
I got the burning tool at a craft store and the stamps on Amazon
Some examples of what they did
The package I picked up at a craft store