West Stookey
Elevation: 6,341 feet
Hiking Distance: Under one mile
Elevation Gain: 800 feet
This is a small bump on the lower northwest side of the Onaqui Mountain Range. It is not a particularly great hike but there are some views along the way.
Take Highway 199 toward Dugway. Cross over Johnston Pass separating the Stansbury Mountains from the Onaqui Mountains. Go around 5 miles past the pass. Turn East, then south on South Hatch Ranch Road following it for about 3 miles to road 2631 veering left. Continue to the base of the knob.
Looking south to Indian Peaks and the Sheeprock Mountains.
Looking north to the Stansbury Mountains.
Starting up the hill.
Looking west
Onaqui Mountains
Onaqui Mountains
Onaqui Mountains
Relaxing in the shade.
Something was interesting.
Looking south.
Looking north up Skull Valley.
Looking NE
Looking south
Looking east.