Green Mountain is in a State Forest on the Kitsap Peninsula near Bremerton. It is the second highest mountain in the county, slightly lower than neighboring Gold Mountain. There are established trails up and around with the climax being the summit. The views of Puget Sound and Seattle are ok but the trees are overtaking the viewpoint. The low elevation means you can easily hike up most of the year. There are picnic tables on top at the overlook.
From Bremerton follow Kitsap Way (State Route 310) for 3 miles to Kitsap Lake. Turn left on Northlake Way, proceeding for 1 mile. Turn left onto the Seabeck Highway and follow it for 3 miles. Then turn left on Holly Road, proceeding for 3 miles. Turn left (south) onto Tahuya Lake Road and in 1.25 miles bear left onto Gold Creek Road. The trailhead is in 2 miles on your left.
Elevation: 1,639 feet
Hiking Distance: around 2 miles one-way
Elevation Gain: 1,100 feet
Access: Paved

Green Mountain Vista

(Green Mountain State Forest)
The Basement
The trail is multi use so you may see bikes and motorcycles. About a half mile up you cross Gold Creek and hit a trail junction. You can take the Plummer Trail left or the Gold Creek Trail right (do as a loop). At the 1.5 mile mark is the junction where the former two trails meet again. At that point, go right for a quarter mile to a trail split. There take the signed Vista trail up to the summit area. On top is a parking lot that is open on summer weekends if you do not want to hike this one. The Green Mountain State Forest is a working forest so access by car is never a guarantee.
Hiking Route from Gold Creek Trailhead:
Puget Sound Hikes
Fire Lookout History Page
green mountain Communication tower Benchmark green mountain green mountain green mountain Green Mountain Green Mountain green mountain green mountain Green Mountain green mountain map Green Mountain Mt. Washington green mountain green mountain green mountain green mountain Brothers
Parking area near the summit.
Vista area
Picnic area at the vista area.
Vista picnic area.
Vista view.
Vista viewpoint.
Vista picnic area.
The Brothers from a harvest area near the summit.
Mt. Washington from a harvest area near the summit.
Mount Constance from a harvest area near the summit.
Mount Walker and northern Hood Canal from a harvest area near the summit.
Benchmark at the true summit.
Communication tower at the true summit.
Mount Walker  Brothers Mount Constance Green Mountain
Green Mountain summit behind the communication towers.
Vista picnic area.
These 4 pictures are from a visit in 2004 when the view was bigger. The rest of the pictures on the page are from 2025.
Mount Cruiser, Stone, Skykomish and the Brothers.
Mount Stone
Mount Skokomish
Mount Bretherton
Mount Lena
The Brothers
Jefferson Peak
Mount Pershing
Mount Walker
Buck Mountain
Mount Townsend
Big Skidder
Mount Jupiter
Mount Constance
Mount Townsend