Geysir Geothermal Area

Hiking Distance: Very little
Iceland Travel
Geysir Geothermal Area is one of the three major attractions in the Golden Circle. The main site to see is Strokkur. This is Icelands most active geyser shooting water up every five to ten minutes. There is also Geysir, much larger but it is in inactivity most of the time. Overall, there are more scenic geothermal areas in Iceland but the Stokkur is worth seeing.
Visitors center blue pool Strokkur Geysir Geothermal Area Laugarfjall Laugarfjall Strokkur Strokkur Bjarnarfell Strokkur Hot pool boiling hot water hot pool Strokkur
Strokkur about to go
Bjarnarfell from Laugarfjall
Hiking the short trail up Laugarfjall
A blue pool
View from Laugarfjall
Geysir Geothermal Area from Laugarfjall
Some boiling hot water coming out of the ground
Strokkur from a distance
Visitors center
Standard hot pool
Hot pool
Geysir Geothermal map