
Pinewood Derby

Car Kits
Everything else is up to how far you want to take this
Items Needed:
Youth Activities and Games
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Although mostly associated with the Cub Scouts, anyone can put on a Pinewood Derby for a fun activity. There is some real planning involved like securing a track and having people show up with cars they previously built. The key is really finding a track, they are around, you just have to start asking. For the car kits, they can easily be ordered online. Following the official regulations of size and weight are a good idea because you can put weights on the cars that dramatically affect the outcome.
pinewood derby pinewood derby pinewood derby pinewood derby pinewood derby pinewood derby pinewood derby pinewood derby pinewood derby pinewood derby pinewood derby pinewood derby
pinewood derby
This guy dressed up as a race car driver
A quick fix station is a good idea
Or you could just watch the movie
Electronic finish line records winner