
Marshmallow Catapult

10 craft sticks per person
4 rubber bands per person
1 bottle cap per person
Hot glue guns
Lots of small Marshmallows
Craft Paint and foam paintbrushes (optional)
Army men and blocks for army bases (optional)
Items Needed:
Youth Activities and Games
Home List
Goal: Building the catapults and then competing by launching marshmallows. The competition can be distance or they can build bases with blocks and army men. All army men must be on top or in front of blocks (no hiding).
1) Rubber-band two sticks together at one end, then set aside.
Building the Catapults
Catapult Marshmallow Catapult Catapult Catapult Marshmallow Catapult Marshmallow Catapult Catapult Catapult
2) Stack the remaining eight sticks and rubber band them together at both ends.
3) Slide the stack of eight sticks in between the two sticks that you already banded together.
4) Use the fourth rubber band to secure all of the craft sticks together.
5) Use a hot glue gun to secure a bottle cap to the end of the catapult.