Jennie/Norm Scanlon
Photo Collection
The pictures that had labels I placed on the webpages for Jennie (Willhite) Scanlon and Jessie (Willhite) Jones. These images had no labels or names that do not match anyone in my tree so far. I have the originals of most of these images. If you are a direct line and want one, let me know.
Album found of Pearl Scanlon

Unknown pictures in Pearl Scanlon album

Album Jessie (Willhite) Jones
Inside of front cover, we learn it was a gift to Pearl Scanlon from her Aunt Jessie (Willhite) Jones. Dec. 25, 1906.
picture picture kansas picture picture kansas kansas kansas Linda Grubb kansas kansas kansas kansas kansas andover kansas
Says Three of a kind
These were in a different photo album but given to the second hand store in Andover Kansas at the same time. This batch had the Smith Wilhite Picture.
Dorothy, Jack, Steve and Linda Grubb
Taken in Toronto, Kansas
Taken in Toronto, Kansas