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Devils Slide Patrol Point

This patrol point was used by the Bald Mountain Lookout to see over a ridge blocking several drainages. Kresek mentions this patrol point in his book and the Spring/Fish book lists it as a separate site. Because this location is 2 miles away from Bald Mountain, I also have listed as a separate site. But, if you look at the 1934 panoramics, they are labeled as Bald Mountain. The photo crew went to this Devils Slide patrol point the same day they took photos at Bald Mountain.
Elevation: 6,035 feet
Distance: Drive-up
Access: High-clearance or walk
Former Lookouts
Devils Slide Patrol Point 7-18-1934
Devils Slide Patrol Point 7-18-1934
Access & Route:
Link to Bald Mountain Lookout History
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Below are images I took in 2019 from same location. View is SW with Adams and Rainier in view.
These match the panoramic above, shot from same area, view is North.
Getting to Devils Slide Patrol Point from Bald Mountain is a scenic road that is pretty rocky, so good tires are a must. If you reached Bald Mountain summit in your vehicle, you’re probably ok to reach Devils Slide. From the end of the abandoned road, it is a short walk through trees to find the viewpoints.
Meadow Mt. Rainier Bald Mountain
Washington Fire Lookouts
Bald Mountain timbers
Map showing all the sites on Bald Mountain
Meadow from road between Bald Mountain and patrol point
Mt. Rainier from road between Bald Mountain and patrol point
Some interesting timbers on the ridge just before the patrol point
Looking back and Bald Mountain summit in route to the patrol point
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