Reflector Bar A.W.S.
Reflector Bar is the name for the gravel bar below Diablo Gorge, now the community of Diablo. In the 1920s, Reflector Bar exploded with activity as the Seattle City Light power utility made it the staging area for the building of Diablo Dam. A railroad line was laid from Newhalem to the foot of Sourdough Mountain at Reflector Bar.
One document says it was an AWS post at the Diablo Lake construction to be a substitute but was never occupied. It was retained for the Forest Service, that it was an existing station with no AWS improvements. Regarding communications, the nearest relay station they reported through was the Backus Ranger Station, then to the Concrete Exchange. Post was created in the second round, after July 1942.
Location: Section 5, Township 37 North, Range 13 East
Ownership at time: National Forest Land
Date activated: 8-13-1942
Date in-activated: 10-16-43
Aircraft Warning Service - Washington State
Reflector Bar on the AWS map
Reflector Bar on the AWS map with dates
Community of Diablo is on a bar of the Skagit River called Reflector Bar
Year-round station
Topo map of the area
List of considered sites - some became stations
On Right: This document said the cabin was at Diablo Point. I don't know this name or location. Listed in the list of hard to reach locations, it said, "These cabins are surplus and are not used or needed by the Forest Service. It is recommended that they be abandoned, as cost of removal would be in excess of value. Removal would necessitate dismantling and packing out by pack animals.