Battery Elijah O'Flyng

Cape Disappointment
Battery Elijah O Flyng is located at Fort Canby in Cape Disappointment State Park. It is the only Fort Canby battery that faces in towards the Columbia River mouth, guarding the entrance to the Columbia River. The battery is on the property of the U.S. Coast Guard Station Cape Disappointment. Access is not signed and the trail to reach the location is short but is overgrown in places. It seems somebody still mows the grass to keep it from being totally overgrown. The access trail branches off the main paved trail to the Cape Disappointment Lighthouse.

This battery was started in August of 1904 and completed in December 1905. There were two M1905 6 inch rifled guns mounted in M1903 disappearing carriages.
The battery is named for Ensign Elijah O'Flyng, 23rd U.S. Infantry who died on September 18, 1814 at the siege of Fort Erie during the War of 1812. The original guns were removed in 1918 and remounted in Battery Harvey Allen. The carriages were sold and removed the same year.

There is also another battery like structure overgrown in the trees up at the top of the hill above the Elijah O Flyng battery, but blocked by a fence, likely for the protection from the cliffs that are just on the other side.
Elijah O'Flyng cape disappointment map cape disappointment Cape Disappointment Benchmark Columbia River cape disappointment Elijah O'Flyng Old bunker Old bunker bunker bunker bunker
At Cape Disappointment State Park
The view of the Battery upon arrival
Columbia River view from the hill above the Battery
Old bunker or shed above the main battery area
More of the bunker or foundation of building that is above the battery at the summit of the knob.
A bunker along the main paved route to the lighthouse
Cape Disappointment Benchmark
Views from the summit
Location of bunker