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International Sister City Parks - Kent

Walking around Downtown Kent, you will notice many small parks with names of cities from around the world. Often one park will even appear to have two names, depending on which side of the block you are on. These open spaces are Kent's, International Sister City Parks. They help make downtown Kent more attractive, while offering a bit of refuge for locals during lunch breaks. Some of the sister cities are Tamba (Kaibara) Japan, El Grullo Mexico, Yangzhou China, Sunnfjord Area of Norway, Yangzhou, China, and Castlereagh Ireland. Each park is a bit different; some have Japanese gardens, Chinese pavilions, picnic areas, public art, symbolic trees and sitting benches.
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Puget Sound Parks
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Kent Real-Estate
Address: Downtown Kent
parks of kent rosebed park kaibara park kaibara park kaibara park kaibara park kaibara park kent wa kent wa yangzhou park downtown kent sister city parks