Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park
Utah Sights & Attractions
There are all kinds of sand dunes around the country. What makes Coral Pink Sand Dunes special is the unique color, derived from the nearby Navajo Sandstone. The dunes are also surrounded by red sandstone cliffs making for a striking backdrop when the sky is blue. The most popular activities are camping, photography, off-highway vehicle riding, and just playing in the sand. A 265-acre conservation parcel serves as a resource management area for protecting the Coral Pink Tiger Beetle and its habitat. The remaining 1,200 acres of dunes are open to all types of recreational activities. A visitor center offers information on the park and surrounding areas, OHV safety, and also offers an inter-esting display of sand specimens from around the world.
These sand dunes are created by sand, high winds and a unique influence upon those high winds. At Coral Pink Sand Dunes, a notch between the Moquith and Moccasin mountains causes this unique influence. Wind is funneled through this notch, increasing wind velocity to a point where it can carry grains of sand from the eroding Navajo sandstone. This phenomenon is known as the Venturi Effect. After the wind passes through the notch and into the open valley, wind velocity decreases, depositing the sand.
Adjacent to the dunes is a campground with restrooms, hot showers, and a sewage disposal station. Each roomy campsite provides pull-through parking, picnic table, and barbecue grill.