Wasatch Mountains Core Central Group

This area has the most populated and popular hiking and climbing locations. Below are some trips in this core area.
Core Wasatch Peaks
Utah Hiking
Wasatch Mountains Core Group Map
Mount Raymond & Gobblers Knob
Mount Timpanogos Peaks
The Pfiefferhorn, WhiteBaldy
Mount Aire
Grandeur Peak
Lone Peak
Mount Millicent
Donught Falls
Mary Lake
Silver Lake
Upwop Peak
American Fork Twin Peaks
Box Elder Peak
Kessler Peak
Lisa Falls
American Fork Ant Knolls Big Baldy Bonanza Peak Box Elder Peak Box Elder South Broads Fork Cascade Springs Chair Hill Church Fork Peak Clayton Peak County Line Benchmark Dharma Peak Donught Falls Glenco Canyon Mount Raymond Grandeur Peak Highland Drive Honeycomb Cliffs Iron Mountain Kessler Peak Lambs Canyon Lisa Falls Little Water Peak Lone Peak Mahogany North Mahogany Mountain Mary Lake April Mountain Mill Canyon Peak Mount Aire Snowdrift Mount Timpanogos Mount Millicent Mount Wolverine North Fork Ridge Park Benchmark Park City Hill Pfiefferhorn Pine Hollow Peak Quarry Mountain Reed and Benson Reynolds Peak Rocky Mouth Scott Hill Silver Benchmark Silver Lake Soldure Hollow Peak South Thunder Sugarloaf Sundance Peak Superior Peak Upwop Peak View Benchmark Wildcat Ridge Thayne Peak
Scott Hill/Tri-County Peak
Silver Benchmark/Desolation
Flagstaff Mountain
Soldure Hollow Peak
Superior Peak/Monte Cristo
Sundance Peak
Sugarloaf and Baldy
South Thunder/Upper Bells
Wildcat Ridge
View Benchmark
Thayne Peak
Reynolds Peak
Rocky Mouth Canyon Peak
Quarry Mountain
Park Benchmark/Baldy
Park City Hill
Pine Hollow Peak
Mount Wolverine
North Fork Ridge
April Mountain
Mill Canyon Peak
Mahogany North Peak
Mahogany Mountain
Lambs Canyon North Peak
Little Water Peak
Highland Drive Hill
Honeycomb Cliffs
Iron Mountain
Glenco Canyon Peak
Dharma Peak/Willow Canyon
Chair Hill
Church Fork Peak
Clayton Peak and Mount Venture
County Line Benchmark
Box Elder South
Broads Fork Twins, Sunrise
Cascade Springs Hill
Ant Knolls
Bonanza Benchmark
Big Baldy
Bells Canyon Trail
Bells Canyon Bonneville Shoreline Ghost Falls Little Cottonwood Rocky Mouth Trail Temple Quarry Trail
Bonneville Shoreline Trail
Rocky Mouth Trail
Temple Quarry Trail
Ghost Falls Trail
Little Cottonwood Trail
Lower Reservoir
Sandy to Draper
North Timpanogos
(Reed and Benson Ridge)