Fort Reno (District of Columbia HP)

State Highpoints
The highest point in DC is this field that had a gate surrounding it. But it turns out, this is not the highest natural point. The field is man made, a reservoir. The highest natural point got a tourist benchmark in 2019 by some highpoint enthusiests. Some distant views were possible and during the Civil War, Union lookouts located here could see the Confederates advancing as far away as Rockville. The park is in a neighborhood and was found by pointing my phone GPS to Fort Reno. To get to the signed highpoint, climb the hill at the corner of Chesapeake and Nebraska. Look for the biggest oak tree in the open field near the school. From the oak tree, go around 40 feet past the tree.
Elevation: 415 feet
Prominence: 75 feet
Fort Reno
Fort Reno Fort Reno Fort Reno Fort Reno Fort Reno
The natural highpoint is located at spot called Point Reno on google maps
Tourist benchmark at highest natural elevation
Fort Reno fenced off underground reservoir