Hurricane AWS Site

AWS In Washington
AWS in Washington
Herb and Lois Crisler served as AWS observers at Hurricane Ridge Lookout during the winter of 1942-43, and took the photos on this page. These images are in the Olympic National Park archives. To make winter use by AWS possible, the shed below the lookout stored provisions and coal to heat the lookout.
Location: Near W1/4 Cor. S24, T29N R7W
Structure: Forest Service L-4 Cab
Owner of Land at Time: Olympic National Park
Hurricane lookout Hurricane hill lookout hurricane Hurricane hill lookout Hurricane hill lookout Hurricane hill lookout Hurricane hill lookout hurricane shed melt snow Hurricane lookout Hurricane lookout Hurricane hill lookout Hurricane lookout Hurricane lookout hurricane olympic aws olympic mountains port angeles Hurricane lookout
Getting coal from the shed for the fire
A.W.S. map with Hurricane and other nearby posts
For maps and current access information, visit Hurricane Hill Page