Nevada Hiking Hiking, Climbing and Travel
Nevada gets a bad rap when it comes to climbing. Maybe it deserves it, ask most people to name one peak in Nevada and you will usually get a puzzled look followed by an "I don't know any". Even the state highpoint is a minor summit to a higher peak in California. Before you loose all respect for Nevada as a good place to go climb, we find its niche in the climbing world. Nevada has the most peaks with prominence over 2,000 feet. In fact, Nevada holds the most mountain ranges of any state. What these ranges offer is their solitude. That feeling of remoteness you get hiking deep in a wilderness area can be had from your car in Nevada. It is just remote, that's why they hide the UFO's there.
Pilot Peak
Wheeler Peak
Arc Dome
Mount Charleston
North Schell Peak
Spruce Mountain
Elko Mountain
Dolly Varden Range Highpoint

Nevada Drive-ups

Boundary Peak - State Highpoint
Boundary Peak Mount Moriah
Mount Moriah
elko mountain dolly varden mountains spruce mountain nevada Arc Dome Pilot Peak North Schell Peak Wheeler Peak Mount Charleston