
Bare Mountain & Lookout

Bare Mountain is an important hike as there are so few mountain top trails in this area of the North Fork Snoqualmie River . Bare sits just inside the Alpine Lakes Wilderness and even had a lookout station on the summit from 1935 to 1973. Climb Bare and you will see all kinds of other mountains you will want to learn the scrambling route up.
Distance: 4.5 miles
Summit Elevation: 5,353 feet
Elevation Gain: 3,300 feet
Access: Good Gravel most of the way (road subject to washouts)
Snoqualmie Hiking
Just follow the trail to the top. At one mile the trail crosses Bear Creek which can be difficult at times. A side trip can be done to an old mine site where there are lots of hidden relics around.
Take Ballarat Street north off North Bend Way in old North Bend . Follow this road becoming 108th St. then 428th Ave NE. At 4 miles is a left at a big Y, (uphill). In 21 miles is the Forest Service Boundary, and a few more you hit the Bare Mountain Trailhead.
Bare Mountain Trail Map from bare mountain Canoe Peak Chimney Rock Goat Mountain Glacier Peak Mt. Phelps Lennox Peak Canoe Peak Dog Mountain Mt. Phelps Puget Sound Goat Mountain Mining stuff
Mt. Phelps - Mclain Peaks area
Mt. Phelps - Mclain Peaks
West to Puget Sound
Dog Mountain
5743 "Kayak Peak"
Dream BM
Treen Peak
East to Canoe Peak
East to Canoe Peak
Looking north to Glacier Peak
Goat Mountain
Goat Mountain
SE to a distant Overcoat Peak
Dog Mountain
Lennox Peak
Mining stuff starting to melt out
View south and east from Bare Mountain
Former Lookouts
Lookout History
The first structure is unknown. The August 24, 1934 panorama photos were taken 10 feet above ground with both a stovepipe and a weather station in the picture. Others have reported information about an L-4 cab being built in 1935, which was destroyed in 1973.
bare mountain lookout bare mountain lookout bare mountain bare mountain bare mountain
Looking North 8-24-1934
Looking Southeast 8-24-1934
Looking Southwest 8-24-1934
Christine Witzke Photo 1973
1972 Photo
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