The proximity of Easton Ridge along the I-90 corridor causes this minor mountain to be hiked often. With a trail running across the entire ridge, there are two options for hiking. Most choose to take the north route, at the official trailhead. I would recommend this route if you have a car or want to reach the highest point. The eastern approach requires a vehicle traveling on a long dirt road that is overgrowing at the end. Also, the trail near the summit from this East approach disappears as it reaches the rocky summit ridge. But, if you are comfortable scrambling, you will have no problem finding a way the summit.
Elevation: 4,517 feet
Distance: 1.5 miles
Elevation Gain: 700 feet
Prominence: 997 feet
I-90 Corridor
East Access
Washington Hiking
Take the Lake Easton Exit off I-90. On the north side of the highway, take a right and follow road past the gas station. The road becomes East Sparks Road. Follow to the end where it becomes dirt, then follows the powerlines. Follow under and near powerlines for a few miles avoiding minor roads on the side. Eventually, a left at a Y will start taking you up the ridge. Use the map and good luck. The last overgrown part of the road can easily be walked.

Easton Ridge Highpoint

The trail is fairly easy, slowly climbing the ridge. The trail is not maintained often so expect some trees over the trail. The good trail ends at some viewpoints. Scramble trails continue beyond (if you can find them). Basically, stay on or near the ridge until you reach the rocky summit area, now traverse below and climb steep dirt to the ridge on the north side to reach the summit.
airway beacon cascade mountains cascade views cle elum lake climbing easton ridge easton ridge benchmark Flashing Beacon easton ridge Flowers hiking trail thomas mountain easton ridge map easton ridge summit Hiking
Summit directional benchmark
Northeast to Thomas Mountain & Stuart
Lake Easton on left, I-90 center, Kachess Lake on right
From the summit rocks, looking north
Cle Elum
Looking to the summit where the trail starts to disappear
Climbing up to the summit ridge
Ridge hiking
Trail starts in the forest
Bottom of Cle Elum Lake
Base of the airway beacon
Easton Ridge Flashing Beacon
Summit rocks - compair to picture on right with airway beacon
Hiking down